School Board Members

School Board Members

Aimee Lee (Chair), 2027

Fran Gonsalves, 2026

Stephanie Halter, 2025

Sam Gough, 2026

Jen Desloges, 2027


Tonia Orlando, Principal
Kelley Carey, Assistant Principal
Kyla Welch, Superintendent
Pam Martin, Assistant Superintendent
Dana Andrews, Assistant Superintendent

 On behalf of the School Board, welcome to our meeting.  We appreciate visitors from the public and trust your attendance will be beneficial to both you and us.  We feel it is very important for interested persons to know about the workings of our school system and/or for us to be aware of what is important to the community.  You are invited to participate in the meeting in accordance with the policy and rules established by this Board.



The Plymouth School District shall not discriminate in its education programs, activities or employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, religion or handicap under the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act of 1967, and Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  Any person having inquiries concerning the School District’s compliance with the regulations implementing these laws may contact the Superintendent of Schools.


All parents, students, employees or other citizens initiating complaints or concerns regarding any aspect of the School District or an employee shall be encouraged to seek resolution at the lowest possible level (teacher, principal).  If the complaint cannot be resolved at any lower level, it may be appealed to the Superintendent’s level.  If the complaint cannot be resolved at the Superintendent’s level, a written request shall be submitted to the School Board, through the Superintendent, asking the Board to give consideration to the complaint.  The Board will determine if the complaint(s) will be heard.



School Boards are charged with the responsibilities of selecting a Superintendent and providing him/her with authority and direction.  It is not the duty of the Board to operate the schools, but to see that they are well operated.


The Board concerns itself primarily with broad questions of policy rather than administrative details.  The application of policies is an administrative task to be performed by the Superintendent and his/her staff who shall be held responsible for the effective administration and supervision of the school system.


Members of the Board have authority only when acting as a Board legally in session.  The Board shall not be bound in any way by action or statement of an individual member except when such statement or action is in pursuance of specific instructions from the Board.



The position of Superintendent of Schools is created by law to provide each School Board with the benefit of advice from a professional educator.  The statutes and rules give the Superintendent the necessary authority to carry out the responsibilities assigned to him/her in relation to the role assigned to School Boards.



The Plymouth School Board generally meets the 1st Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m.  Agendas are prepared by the Superintendent and School Board Chair.  They are posted at least 24 hours in advance of each meeting and are available at the Superintendent’s office, in the school and at the town office. 


1.              Call to order                                            6.  Consent Items

2.              Agenda Review and Disposition                    7.  Discussion Items

3.              Approval of minutes                                       8.  Public Comment

4.              Principal’s Report                                          9.  Nonpublic Session

5.              Privilege of the Floor #1                               10.  Return from Non-Public
11.  Adjournment

In accordance with the Freedom of Access (“Right To Know”) law, the Board meetings are held in public.  The Board may go into nonpublic session upon a roll call vote requiring an affirmative vote of the majority of the members present for the consideration of certain matters specified in RSA 91-A:3.



The Board encourages citizens of the District to attend its sessions so that they may become better acquainted with the operation and programs of the school and that the Board may have opportunity to hear the comments and suggestions of the public.  All official meetings of the Board shall be open to the press and public.  However, the Board reserves the right to meet and adjourn or recess a meeting at any time to discuss such matters as are properly considered in non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3.


In order to assure that persons who wish to appear before the board may be heard and, at the same time, conduct its meeting properly and efficiently, the Board adopts as policy the following procedures and rules pertaining to public participation at Board meetings.


1.  The Chairperson shall designate a portion of each agenda for the purposes of providing public input.

2.   Any individual desiring to speak shall give his or her name, address and the group, if any, that he/she represents.

3. The presentation should be as brief as possible, limited to ten (10) minutes unless prior arrangements have been made with the Superintendent and/or Board Chairperson.

4.  Speakers may offer comments, suggestions, praise and/or objective criticism of school operations, policies and programs as concern them.

5.The Board will not hear complaints against any individual person connected with the school system.  Other channels provide for Board consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individuals.


The Board vests in its Chairperson or other presiding officer authority to terminate the remarks of any individual when they do not adhere to the rules established above.


Persons appearing before the Board are reminded, as a point of information that members of the Board are without authority to act independently as individuals in official matters.  With the approval of the Chairperson, questions may be directed to individual Board members.

 Statutory Reference:

RSA 91-A:3, Public Records and Meetings:  Non-Public Sessions


Revised March 2018